
The EV-market is facing an exponential growth. Currently a lot of money is invested in proprietary software solution for communication between all market areas. Motown has been developed and made available as an open source software solution. But what is Motown? How is Motown designed? And what are commonly made misperceptions on the concept?

What is Motown?

What the business solution of Motown? What does it do? And what happens when you download the software? Read more on the functionality that Motown possesses.

Common misperceptions

The concept of Motown has encountered some misperceptions in the past. In order to give you a full understanding of Motown it can be useful to read what misperceptions can be easily made.


We have made a roadmap with our expectations on the development of the Motown add-on software for the coming years.


Read more about the concept, design and of the architectural concepts used by the development of the Motown software.

Marketplace of add-ons

All functionalities that are desired in the future to add to the system of a charge point operator can be developed as a Motown add-on. With a widespread integration of Motown a marketplace of (paid) add-ons will be the result.